Resistance potion plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by LonelyBlue, Dec 21, 2023.

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    I want to make a server where every time you kill a player you get 1 level of resistance, and the max level is 3 but if you die you get less resistance. To the point where wooden sword do tons of dmg to you can anybody make that pls I beg.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2023
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @LonelyBlue How even does getting less resistance work when you die?
    Sounds like that could be exploited a lot.
    Just go spawn camping and they can never get resistance.
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    ok then just mainly the part of when you kill a play you gain a level of resistance that's all I'm going to need.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Duration? Infinite? 5 minutes? 5 seconds?
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    infinite but if they die to another player the resistance level goes down
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    Updated to support configurable duration and max level of resistance.
    Also added -1 level upon death as requested

    Download it on the GitHub link above under "Releases"
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