I made a residence inside a region for a user on my server but it won't allow him to edit inside his residence. I think it has something to do with the region. So my main question is: How do I allow users to edit inside their residences which are inside the regions? BUMP. Help please. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
You need a plugin that overrides worldguard regions. OHDEAR :S I'm working on making BananaRegion override worldguard permissions.
Just use WorldGuard only, no residence. Then create a region inside a region, and set its parent to the "big" region. I explained that in detail just recently here: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/worldguard-question.34501/#post-638290 (Dont forget to give the Groups / Players the rights to build in the sub-region - i.e. add them as members to the region - as what I posted there was just about regions and their parents, aussuming the person knows how to add people as members / owners to a region)
If you made a region in which nobody can build (not the global region), make sure the residental regions have a higher priority than your "city" region. Code: /region setpriority <residence> 10