What I want: hey I was looking if it was possible to make it where when a player uses a empty bottle on a fire it in return gives them a minor health potion that heals 25hp - It would be nice if you could make it configurable where you can upgrade your flask with a command that interacts with economy - example is you /flask - You can upgrade your flask to heal 50hp for 100 coins, etc. This would all be configuarble of course. Ideas for commands: There should be none for filling the flask but to upgrade it should be /flask When I'd like it by: Take your time (Quality over Quantity) Anyways if you wanted to skype and talk that would be cool @ legendeternality thanks again for your time I'll be using Lore Attributes and Permissions-health is this doable? EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Don't know if it's doable, but I can at least give it a shot. Haven't coded for Minecraft in ages though, gonna see what I can do =)
Lostminecraft Don't bump within 24 hours. Cabbage I suggest that you rename the empty bottle and then use that as the potion
Working on it, got bits and pieces done, one specification - by fire, you mean when they rightclick an entity (block) that is ablaze?
yea, like what I have is a netherrack block that is on fire - (like a bonfire) *do you think you can make it where its only netherack blocks on fire only? if not thats okay. Also do you think you can maybe add timtower 's idea to make it where only empty bottles named Empty Flask would work - Do you think there is a plugin to make potions stackable? or when you use a potion it imediatly puts the empty bottle in your inventory and and puts a new potion if there is one back in that hotbar?
sure, only netherrack shouldn't be a problem - in later versions I can make that configurable too. Also, I have an idea - if a player, while holding an empty flask, rightclicks an entity (other player/monster/animal) who is on fire, it puts them out, and "stores" the fire in the flask?
Thats a great idea - and they could use the potion to heal them later on? Also do you think we can talk on skype sometime? @ legendeternality
Behold, the first working build, everything done except for the actual heal numbers. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/13095547/KindleFlask.jar Right now does specifically what it's meant to, nothing more/around, will work on permissions/customizability in later versions.