I am searching for a plugin which allows players to join a House. HOUSES MECHANICS Each house has a "Lord" (Creator) and permissions to invite others players to their House. Once a player joins to a house his name is moddified adding the House name like a Surname. The "Lord" of a house can make a poll to declare another house like an allie or an enemy house only if the poll gets more than the 50%. The players of a house can only attack players from a enemy house. The owner of the server must have the option to choose between creating the houses and assing a lord by himselft or let the users creates their own houses. Also players can make a poll to change the actual Lord of the house and select himself or another player to be the new Lord only if the option of the polls gets more than the 50% of the votes. Commands suggestion For server owners: /house create "name" - "playername" (Lord) /house delete "name" /house status "name" - "enemy or allie" For Lords: /house invite "playername" /house uninvite "playername" /house status "enemy or allie" (Poll) For Players: /house newlord "playername" CITIES MECHANICS The server owner must select the option to allow or not people to create their cities or just give them their lands. Like a King does. Also lord can request a chunk by a command and the "King" approves or not the request. Lords can give permisions to anyone in their lands to build, destroy o make any action (buttons, etc) Commands suggestion: For server owners: /land give "housename" /land remove "housename" /land request accept /land request ignore For Lords: /land request /land perm bad ( b = build, a = actions (buttons, etc), d = destroy) /city name WAR MECHANICS The idea of this part of the plugin is quite simple. The server owner setup a day, an hour and a duration of the event. Before the event start the map must be saved by the server. When the war starts any house declared like enemy can destroy, grief any city with that declared status and when the war is over the server must load the map before the event was started. Also the server owners can inmunize a city from the war. Commands suggestion: For server owners: /city inmunize "cityname" /war set d h du ( d = day, h = hour, du = duration. For example /war set mon 19 2, this going to set the war each monday at 18 hs with a duration of 2 hours.
Because that plugins are too large and i have seen how the cause a lot of trouble on servers. This is just an starter idea for this plugin. Tomorrow i will add the others features i have in my mind. Updated! EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.