[Request] Greif Stop

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by CheifKeef, May 27, 2014.

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    Plugin category: Grief prevention

    Suggested name: Suspention

    What I want: I want this plugin to stop a player from doing any further damage to the server and or players. lets say a mod is doing something their not supposed to I the owner will run the command /suspend <name> and what this will do is Freeze the player where they are standing or flying it just stops them in their tracks and if they try to break blocks around them it won't allow them also they will not be able to run any commands basically they can't do anything. All their permissions will be Frozen so they can't do any commands that might damage the server Example: //hsphere tnt,fire 50000. And then to unsuspend them you would run the command /unsuspend <name>

    Ideas for commands:
    /suspend <name> - Freezes the player, Disables all commands assigned to that players, Doesn't allow that player to break any blocks on the server till unsuspended.

    /unsuspend <name> - Enables their permissions, allows them to break blocks again, and unfreezes them.

    Ideas for permissions:

    When I'd like it by: ASAP
  2. Offline


    So you just want the command to prevent players from moving, breaking/placing blocks, and running commands, right? I'll try to work on this really quick :)
  3. Offline


    Yea and also not be able to talk and can you make a config where i can write custom messages saying "You may not place any blocks at the moment" and stuff like that thanks again :)
  4. Offline


    <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>

    Current features:
    Using /suspend Player (if you have the permission player.suspend), will prevent a player from moving, talking, using commands, or placing/breaking/right clicking on blocks. The internal list of frozen players is saved to a config when the plugin is disabled (Or the server shuts down with /stop), and then reinstated when the server/plugin is started up again.

    Using /unsuspend Player (if you have the permission player.unsuspend), will lift all of the plugin's restrictions off of the player, and they will be able to continue about as normal.

    In the config, you'll find settings to change the messages that are sent when a player does an "invalid" action. You'll also find a debug toggle, which just prints additional messages to the console (You probably don't need it on, but it won't spam you too much if you turn it on... :cool:).

    Also, the source code for this plugin can be found on GitHub (For anyone in the future finding this and wants to improve on it or such. You're free to modify it as you please, as long as you don't profit off of it of course.)

    Did I miss anything? ;)
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 2, 2016
    CheifKeef likes this.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    russjr08 Posting here is allowed ;) Just to inform you
    russjr08 likes this.
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  7. Offline


    You're very welcome! I hope it works out for you :D
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    russjr08 Actually i just ran it in my server and its saying Invalid permissions /command [player] but i added the permissions to myself and my group
  9. Offline


    Hmm. Which permissions plugin are you using? It should just be using Bukkit's default permission handling... (Checks player.suspend and player.unsuspend as you requested) :eek:
  10. Offline


    By permissions plugin you mean group manager and stuff like that? I'm using group manager russjr08
  11. Offline


    Should be fixed now. Although you'll have to drop Vault into your plugins folder since Group Manager and Bukkit's default permissions handling don't tie in together. :oops: Good thing is, you'll either already have Vault, or you'll need it for some other plugin too :)

    Edit: Headed to bed now (It's about 4AM here hehe), I'll be back after I wake up :)
  12. Offline


    Yea i already have vault same problems
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Startup log? Permissions file?
    russjr08 For everything that you don't put in the plugin.yml bukkit will use a default value

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