[REQUEST] configurable potion effects for recently respawned players?

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by flyuphi, Jun 11, 2014.

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    Plugin category: FUN/MISCELLANEOUS/GENERAL (Not quite sure)

    Suggested name: Respawn potion effects

    What I want:
    Hi, I recently requested for a void-instant kill plugin for my match-rotation pvp server, and recieved 2 over-satisfying nice plugins and thought maybe I could push the bar a bit more and perhaps request for another one :)

    I'm not certain yet pretty sure that the plugin I'm about to request is needed by many servers, and probably isn't any that do the same mechanics. So here's the idea:

    A plugin that gives a certain(or multiple) potion effect for a period of time to every respawned player(possibly configurable)
    I expect that making it configurable is a huge difference to a certain potion effect, so if it's considered too much of a hassle, it would still be great if it could just give a level 4 resistance for about 4~6 seconds.(A respawned player protection plugin maybe?)

    Such a plugin would help so much in TDM or DTC matches since it prevents users from waiting right outside the opponent's team spawn.

    Ideas for commands: Not really necessary, perhaps an ON/OFF command?

    Ideas for permissions: not really necessary

    When I'd like it by: When the plugin makers feel like it :)
  2. Offline


    Giving it a shot after school if nobody else did.
    Feel free to make it though.
  3. Offline


    Thanks, looking forward to it :)
  4. Offline


    flyuphi Alright! I finished ... finally! Sorry for letting you wait so long but i've been messing with config things and didnt manage to do it :/ Sorry man!
    Everything else works:

    /respawnresistance toggle -Toggle ON/OFF
    (By default /when you start or reload the Server its set to ON)(If you want it to be set to the option you last set (On/Off) on restart/reload pm me)

    Adds 6 seconds of Damage_Resistance 4 to the respawned player if enabled!
    Download: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B9xL7v773HYUU2FZdUEyVjVvblk

    If you ever need to add other potion Effects , change the duration or strength of one feel free to Pm me and I'll implement it for you!
    flyuphi likes this.
  5. Offline


    Wow, thanks sooo much for the quick reply :)
    I would've still been thrilled even if it was done in a couple of weeks...
    I'll try it as soon as I'm on my server and send you immediate feedback.

    Just tried it out.
    Thanks so much
  6. Offline


    flyuphi Nice to hear! I'm glad you like it!

    EDIT: Derp! Forgot to give you the permission Node: RespawnResistance.toggle - Lets you toggle ON/OFF

    Would love to check your Server out once its up!
  7. Offline


    You should go above and beyond. create the awesomest server!
  8. Offline


    You were missing the ability to have a config, so I thought I'd share my own version :)
    Here is the link :)

    If you want to see the config code, just ask :)
    flyuphi likes this.
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    yoft That would be great man!
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  11. Offline


    I'm truly overwhelmed by the help you guys are giving me...
    thank you soooo much.. I'll try it out as soon as I have the chance :D

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