Give it a chance before you exit the page as this kind of server has not been done before, if your in a hurry then read paragraph two. ____________________________________________________________Greetings, im not gonna waste time by going into any deep detail about the server (All details are on our Minecraft Forum post). We are a dedicated 24/7 Spoutcraft server focusing on bringing Unique Mmo/Rpg gameplay to the Minecraft community. The server will include 6 races to choose from along with Leveling, Quests, Custom content (Items, Blocks and mobs) all with no commands. I feel like Spout has a big future ahead of it and we plan on taking advantage of that. Cutting to the chase we need Plugin Developers to use some of their free time to develop custom plugins, You will recieve full credit and of course will be included in everything we do. We do not look down on other servers and do not claim we are the best, we are simply a small team of people trying to provide the Minecraft community with unique gameplay and a friendly sociable enviroment. Forum thread: Contact me:Skype: Hamachi: Ip: MCServers: World Of CraftPassword: WoCApplication Name:Nick-Name:IGN:Age:Time Zone:Past plugins/mods:Why do you want to join?:Additional notes: I'd preffer if you private messaged me the Application, thanks. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
I removed the advertising in this thread, also your server IP. Due to this forum being for requests only and I saw the banner for your hosts as adveritising. If you would like those elements back in your thread, please PM me with why they're needed. Thanks
No worries, I just saw a bit of information which wasn't needed. I wish you the best on the hunt for developers