[REQ] Torches Glow in Your Hand!

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by bikboii, Nov 30, 2011.

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    (better name to come)
    This will hopefully be a simple plugin to create, and should make servers lots more fun to explore on.
    Here's the idea: When your exploring in a cave, and you run out of torches, what do you usually do?​
    Well, most of the time, it's one of two things -- run away and get more torches from your house, or, pick up a torch, place it, look around, break it, walk forward, repeat.​
    That last response tends to happen a lot. ​
    So my answer to this dillema is simple in concept (and hopefully in code)​
    Simply make torches glow any time you are holding them. That's it. I think this would be unique, and make it a whole lot easier to explore the world.​
    This little change would make players a little happier, and maybe even keep them playing a little longer. That's what we all want.​
    If you want to contact me, my Skype is: BikBoii
    You can also reply below if you would like.
    Thanks for your time!​
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    Oh wow, thanks for letting me know, I hope someone keeps that going, because its extremely old.
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