[REQ] The Ultimate Teams plugin!

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Mr360zack, Aug 30, 2013.

  1. Offline


    Hello bukkit community! I have yet another plugin request for my server!

    So you want to request a plugin. Great! Before you spend a lot of time on your post, please read through this topic. Here are the themes we'll be covering: Originality, Possibility, Congeniality and Understandability, Things not to do, and lastly An Example Post

    Before writing your request, you should search to see if it's been done before! Search BukkitDev (click Filter) for your idea.

    Here are some plugin ideas that we frequently see which already have functional plugins:

    Automatic Ranking - Password-based: MasterPromote. Timed: AutoRank.
    Seperate Worlds - MultiVerse or MyWorlds.
    Block Protection -WorldGuard, EpicZones or Residence.
    Skills/RPG leveling - McMMO or Skillz.
    Classes/Clans - Factions or SimpleClans.
    Hunger Games - Too many to list. Do a search!
    Custom Commands - kTriggers or Commander
    Ban crafting of [Insert item here] - NoItem.
    Custom World Generation - TerrainControl.
    Custom Triggers and Scripts - VariableTriggers or Skript.

    Make sure your request is even possible. Bukkit plugins can, for the most part, only modify what the server can do. Here is a list of things you cannot do with a plugin:

    Create a new block or item.
    Show a picture or video to a player (except maps or displayed in blocks)
    Create a new creature or monster or change the size of an existing one
    Check if a player has a texture pack, mod, or hack installed.
    Play external sound. Can only trigger noteblocks, records and effects.
    Move a player between servers (in a way that doesn't involve complicated proxying)
    Congeniality and Understandability
    When requesting a plugin, make your post as friendly and easy to understand possible. Be patient while waiting for replies (don't bump constantly!). Use proper spelling and grammar to write out a fully detailed post describing your requirements. When someone replies, be thankful that they're helping. When the request is fulfilled, thank them again.

    Things not to do
    Lastly, we have the things you should not do in your post.
    "PM me for details" - If you cannot describe your plugin requirements in public, people are not likely to care to reply. Keep your discussions to the thread and suddenly more people reply!
    Money offers/payment - As per the forum rules, monetary offers are not allowed. Posts offering payment will be deleted on sight without warning.
    "Hiring developer for server" - Post those in your server's topic in the server forum. Maybe add a [NEED DEV] tag to that post. This forum is for plugin requests not dev team requests.
    Claim the plugin as your own - Do not take a fulfilled request and post it as your own plugin.
    Personal Requests - If your request is for you and you alone, and no one else can use it, you might want to learn Java!
    Fix or modify current plugins - Submit a ticket to that developer on BukkitDev!
    Huge, huge huge requests - Not actually a "not to do" but do not be surprised if an extremely complicated request is ignored. The simpler a plugin, the more likely it is to be made.
    Requesting a plugin that is better served by online-mode=true - If online mode already solves your problem, a plugin should not be requested.

    Plugin category: PvP/RPG/Mechanics

    Suggested name: Teams+

    What I want: Hi, im looking for a plugin similiar to the popular xteams. But different. I'm looking for a plugin where players can group together and create teams. They can invite each other, kick each other and promote each other inside of the team. 3 ranks within the teams. Member, Officer and Leader. member being a normal member officer being able to kick people and officer being able to change the name etc. Also I'd like the team to be able to share a "vault" they can do something like /t vault and a doublechest will apear where they can all share their goods. Also i'd like them within the team to create warps (set a maximum?) so that they can do /t warp <warpname> or /t setwarp <warpname> and stuff. Also add a config and permissions for everything.

    Ideas for commands: /t home /t sethome /t warp (warp) /t setwarp (warpname) /t vault /t promote /t kick /t inv(ite) /t info /t name (name)

    Ideas for permissions: teamsplus.commandname (ex. teamsplus.home)

    When I'd like it by: Whenever you can, or as soon as possible (maybe within a week)

    <Removed double post - Bumping is allowed only every 24 hours - Necrodoom>
  2. Offline


    Now that's some formatting. :D

    I would probably be able to do this - that is, if there already isn't a working plugin with this functionality. Can anyone confirm? I haven't been really following the bukkit scene for a while.

    So, the way you described it, the teams would just be about a shared vault and warps, or is there some more functionality I'm missing from your post?
  3. Offline


    Correct, yes. And no, no other plugins are like this. Any that come close are outdated.
    :) If you start let me know. skype: mr360zacky Once finished msg me there if possible.
  4. Offline


    Cabbage Hey, could I get an update? And also if you could make it so that I can make the chat tag like you can with factions by puting [FACTION] instead make it so its like [TEAM] or something :) -zack
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