Could I get someone to code a quick plugin that would log the name of a user and his ip every time he logs in? Using this to record account theft.
I think it would be better if it told you his IP but only to the admins. That way you can ban IP's way easier so that people can't use multiple accounts if they are hacking or grieifing.
I've made this, enjoy: Download: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url> Virus Scan: It will log to the server and message everyone with OP status online. If you would like it to be permission based, message me and I can do that as well.
This does what you want, and much more! Ip checking in game, loggin, banning from name, etc. PermissionsEx and bukkitperms support.
ah, i want a plugin like that to ban or UFWdeny (perfer that) players, some of them threaten to hack, and, UFWdenyed, will have no chance!! try a plugin called findip, but it is hardly good, as it does not log offline players, meaning they can come and go too fast to type the command. might be useful for you. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.