[REQ] Restore Predefined Zone (restore dungeon)

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Alesana, Jun 15, 2011.

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    Hey everyone, I would like to know if someone could do a plugin that will save a selected area and restore it with a command when nedded.

    We have few puzzle dungeon and players have to destroy block, open door and place blocks, use water and a lot more to do puzzles. It would be great if we could restore the area to the original after someone made it(reset dungeon).

    Here is what I would like to have:

    1. Create a zone to save for futur restoring. => *It could use worldguard regions or worldedit to create zone.
    2. Save that zone. => /savezone
    3. Restore zone. => /restorezone

    *It could use worldguard regions or worldedit to create zone.

  2. Offline


  3. Offline


    Wow! I didn't know about that! It's awesome!! Thank you! I just tried it and it works perfectly! :)

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