[REQ] Only PvP at Night, no PvP in daytime.

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by owenftw, Nov 14, 2011.

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    I only want PvP to be enabled when it starts turning night.
    Then to be disabled as it starts turning light/daytime again.

    Would also like it to send a server message to everybody saying: ( with the colour )
    Its now turning Night and PvP has been enabled! ( Dark_Red )
    The sun is rising and PvP has been disabled! ( Light Blue - ) - Do not want it to be cyan please.

    and if possible.. to keep it as lightweight as possible
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  4. Offline


    Then post a support ticket.

    ...But first make sure your issue is not already addressed on the forum page, and that you have it configured correctly.
  5. Offline


    ah got it working :) thanks
  6. Offline


    No problem.
  7. Offline


    If you got it working you should say so in the support ticket you commented in. If I hadn't seen this topic I would be chasing bugs that don't exist.. :)

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