Dear Bukkit Plugin Developers, For the past few days I have been looking around for a plugin (server + client) that works with a Minecraft Craftbukkit 1.0.0 Server that will allow me to increase the Height Limit from 128 to 256 – higher options would be a nice edition, but 256 is what I am really interested in. I know that for a plugin to do this both the server and the users of the server have to install the plugin – this server is just for a very small group of friends and I (total of less than 10 people). I have already looked at Cubic Chunks which makes the world 65,000 blocks high – that is far too high for me as well it is smp based for vanilla (not bukkit compatible) and the server version is not even tested or really supported. I also have looked at Dynamic Height mod which is also not Bukkit compatible – other than not being compatible it is an almost ideal mod for what I am looking for. Overall the feature set I am looking for is as follows: *Allows the Height Limit to be increased from 128 to 256. *Allows the server to change the limit of land generation and change the probability of land generation at different heights – much like the Terrain Control Bukkit Plugin. * Basically for this feature I want to be able to increase base level of land up to 100 or so blocks high instead of the innate 64 blocks. With that I also still want mountains to be able to spawn up to say 225 or so blocks, just at a low probability as it naturally is – maybe less chance that is in a vanilla server which can end up full or mountain after mountain. That is all I really desire for the mod to do. I know that changing the height limit is now extremely easy – changing one .class file; however I am not a plugin developer or programmer and have no idea how to do it, or I would. Also if all that is done is a plugin that increases the height limit I have no issue with using Terrain Control to do the rest of what I want. I really just need the Height Limit mod, the other feature is an extra. I greatly appreciate any help with this, and if a mod has already been made which allows for this, please point me in the right direction. Thank you for your time in reading this and considering it. Sincerely,Rose P.S. Please do not make posts saying that there is no need to increase the height limit, or “why would you want that” etc, unless you are genuinely curious and are going to be helping create said mod. The basic reason is I like creating floating castles/islands, which isn’t really to feasible with 128 blocks and only 64ish blocks above normal level – meaning if I want the castle to be say 30-50 blocks high, a true castle in the sky, I have only 14-34 blocks to work with. Which is way too small, and digging to the bedrock just doesn’t give that same feeling of the castle being “in the sky” since it would still be at ground level.
That's REALLY difficult to create, not speaking of the requirements on the server. Do you have a machine and connection able to handle that? Other than that, sorry, I can't help - I code more basic stuff. Just wanted to let you know how hard that thing would actually be to get to work .)
Considering this server will be used by very few people, generally speaking 2-3 people most at a time I am certain my internet can handle this. Furthermore, considering as how the needed ram for running a server with so few people is somewhere around 1g or less and I am allotting 3g to this I am pretty sure that I won't have an issue with the performance. Therefore my answer is yes I can handle the plugin. I understood some of what the guy said, but I have no idea how to go about doing any of it, therefore, I still need someone to make this plugin. Moreover, that email and attempt at height limit changing is from before Notch made changing the height limit much simpler - supposedly to change the height limit now all one has to do is change 1 ".class" file. As I said before if that is all that someone makes a plugin to do I will be ecstatic, and then unless I'm mistaken I can use Terrain Control Bukkit plugin to change the land to the desired height, have the ores function properly, etc.
@Cabbage Nope, not difficult at fact, it's just changing a few values, can be done on the fly @SaignementsRose Spout will be able to do it soon Going to be awesome!
@ZNickq I am glad spout will be doing this. I saw a post where spout said it might be possible in 1.9, but no plans to actually do it. Therefore I made the request. I suppose now I just have to wait for Bukkit to finish, then mcp, then spout... it really sucks have there's this chain of waiting for updates.
Spout already has a dev build out for bukkit And they're making their own version of mcp, to update faster ^.^
I must have missed that. Is the height limit change in the dev build? If so my server is ready to go, I just need to finish configuring falsebook, add spout, and I am ready to start playing, until I have to update to the recommended builds for Craftbukkit, Spout, SpoutCraft, and Falsebook. XP
There are plans to do it, it just hasn't been done yet. I know waiting is horrible, but not much else you can do! Updates aren't instant ya know.
Is it probable to say that the Height Limit change will be in the finished Spout and Spoutcraft builds for the bukkit Rb build? And yes I know there isn't much I can do but wait, I just want to be able to play. XP Any ways, I look forward to bukkit, spout, and spoutcraft being finished. Good luck.
It depends if someone has time to do that. The priority right now is just getting a stable working build out once MCP for 1.0.0 is available.
Ok, I meant a version with custom level generator mob spawning etc, but I forgot what amazing stuff some people here can code if they want to