Hello! I really need this for my server. Instead of the GroupManager promotion: /manpromote or /manuadd I would like to /manutimeadd or something, to promote somebody to a rank for like 30 days, and then he gets resetted to his old rank. For example: /manutimeadd Notch Donator 30d. Notch will get the rank Donator for 30 days, then gets resetted to his old rank. If the person who creates this wants to play on my server, I insta promote you to Donator! ~ Reteckz
You may want to look into BuyCraft. It has a set timer where when people buy it, it will send that IGN to the console to promote it, and Buycraft knows in thirty days, if it's set to thirty days, to set it back down to the previous rank. It comes with in-game methods to donate to. It's great!
http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/thumbsapply/ You can use this plugin, then get the ModuleTimedPromotion module