Hey guys so I need a plugin built that is not that easy as there is no API to hook into, the plugin seems basic on the outside but is fairly complex in the coding. Serious offers only. Plugin category: REWARDS Suggested name: MineVote (Very flexible on the name) A bit about me: I am trying to learn to become a plugin dev and have 'updated' a couple plugins to 1.1R5/1.2R0.1, I own a server called AeroCraft which is a 42 slot RP server. I have been using bukkit since around build 340 (I think), and have loved it ever since I started. What I want: I would like a plugin that allows my users to get rewards for voting. Here is what the general basis of the plugin is, Someone goes to the website (My website) and enters their minecraft username then they click a button that takes them to the voting website. After they vote on the voting website they can go onto the server and use the vote credits that they have earned for various things such as diamond armor, or diamond tools, or a starter kit, or a tp somewhere. Ideas for commands: '/vote' - Pulls up the basic help commands, that tell them how to vote. '/vote balance' - Tells them how many credits they have to spend '/vote list' - Tells them what packages they can buy '/vote list 2' - Takes them to page 2 of the packages '/vote buy <package name>' - Lets them spend their credits on things such as diamond armor, or diamond tools, or a starter kit, or a tp somewhere '/vote add <player> #' - Allows someone with the permissions mine vote.admin to add credits to a player Packages: diamondtools - 10 credits (Gives them diamond tools) fulldiamond - 20 credits (Gives them full diamond armor) diamondall - 25 credits (Gives them diamond tools and full diamond armor) steak - 3 credits (Gives them 64 cooked steak) tp - 5 credits (Lets the player use '/tp <guy> <player2>' once) I would like this to be configurable in a config Code: //Example Config packages: diamondtools cost 10 commandtorun: /give <player> 276 1 /give <player> 277 1 /give <player> 278 1 /give <player> 279 1 /give <player> 293 1 fulldiamond cost 20 commandtorun: /give <player> 310 1 /give <player> 311 1 /give <player> 312 1 /give <player> 313 1 diamondall cost 25 commandtorun: /give <player> 276 1 /give <player> 277 1 /give <player> 278 1 /give <player> 279 1 /give <player> 293 1 /give <player> 310 1 /give <player> 311 1 /give <player> 312 1 /give <player> 313 1 steak cost 3 commandtorun: /give <player> 364 64 Ideas for permissions: 'minevote.admin' allows the person with this permission to add vote credits to the player When I'd like it by: Soon, but I would like it to be a quality plugin. Similar plugin requests: None. Devs who might be interested in this: @TnT @ChrizC @codename_B
Well, minecraftserver.net is a hoster, not a voting site. We need to know the voting site to work with. Also, why are you telling us the hoster? Don't you have a website and as such need this for BukkitHTTPD? If you have a website: Does it support PHP/MySQL or something similar?
V10lator Sorry I ment minecraftservers.net I do have a website aerocraft.me and I can support HTML and PHP to put in the side bars, and if you need a MySQL db then I have a couple of those also. I am so sorry for the typo with the site name! -OstlerDev Is no one interested in this or is it just not enough money? EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
I understand that, this is why I am DONATION upon the plugin being made, I have had over 3 plugins made for me that I have paid for. I just want to reward the developer and give them some incentive to make it! I just feel that it is easier to get people to do something when you give incentives. According to the sticky I would need approval from the staff to do this, so I am asking the staff right now if it is ok, and if there is a staff member looking at this, if they could read over it and if it is ok, for them to post and give their approval. If a moderator/admin still feels that this thread should be closed because I am offering a donation, then I understand and they can close it. -OstlerDev
Out of curiosity, why don't you use Votifier and an economy plugin to give money? Then setup shops (possibly using ChestShop) to let users buy those items?
Votifyer does not support minecraftservers.net otherwise I would be using that. Edit: After talking with the staff I have remove the money part of this request.
Ahh yes, that site. I more or less ignore it due to no Votifier support. Luckily, 5 other lists I am on have votifier support.
Ya I just really like that site because the leader boards reset every month, so it is easy to get a server out there.
If there is anyone that would like to do this but would like to be hired on (I will pay you), please PM me or email me at [email protected] -OstlerDev
+1 for minecraftservers.net voting plugin, however, it's really odd that they won't user votifier since there are several other sites that use it.
well, you could use two plugins, something that is similar to an economy system, but is based on the credits you mentioned above, then use votifer to use command "/vote givecredit 1 [name]" or somesort