Plugin category: [ADMN] Suggested name: Three Strikes You're Out! (corny name, I know) A bit about me: I'm completely remodeling my server right now and have lots of new ideas! What I want: I'd like a very simple plugin where if you get kicked three times, you are banned. It should be very easy and would not requiring configuring Ideas for commands: No commands needed for this plugin. Ideas for permissions: No permissions needed for this plugin. When I'd like it by: Most likely pretty soon. Similar plugin requests: None in my knowledge. Devs who might be interested in this: @codename_B nighteyes604 tobiyas CoKoC
I'm working on it! I got a config but can't get it to auto kick the player for some reason. So I will have it done by later tonight hopefully
There's a warning system / auto-ban system that's been updated, but it's not for 1.2.5 yet: There's also an AFK Kick system already: and an auto-kick system:
@Orcen12 see that's what i have been trying to do but it just doesn't want to do it. i can get it to record the kicks and i can even get a command to show how many kicks, but i cant get it to set banned to true after three...
Added it thank you . You can always have the server run the /ban command using something like getServer().dispatchCommand(getServer().getConsoleSender(), "/ban " + [playername])