Repair and keep enchants

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Strernd, Mar 21, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Hi Devs,
    I need a plugin, that makes the enchants stay on tools/weapons when you repair them.

    Thank you!
  2. Offline


    I've been waiting for mcMMO to add a diamond block as an enchanted repair table. Maybe someone out there willing to create an mcMMO add-on plugin that adds this functionality?
  3. Here:

    Easy Forging plugin... selfmade for my Server.
    Source inclusive!

    How to use:
    Take Tools, Swords or Armor in the Hand and go to a Iron Block. Right click on the Iron Block and one Matrial will remove from your Inventory.

    Matrial list: Cobblestone(4), Wooden Planks(5), Diamonds(264), Iron Ingot(265), Gold Ingot(266).

    Cobblestone for Stone Tools, Wooden Planks for Wooden Tool.....

    Thx you for Ignore my bad English. Or its good or not.... I dont know.

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