I have set a spawn for my server and everyone is allowed to do /spawn. But after the log out of the game and then rejoin the randomly spawn at a different spot not where they left off. I have now idea what could have caused this but i'm thinking that it would be a plugin causing this. Here is a list of my plugins. AutoBroadcasterPlus-0.0.4-SNAPSHOT Clearlag Clearlog CombatTag Essentials EssentialsChat EssentialsProtect EssentialsSpawn Factions Jail LoginSecurity mcore Multiverse-Core-2.4 Multiverse-Portals-2.4 PermissionsEx PlayerHeads ScoreboardsStats SighShop SpawnTeleport WorldEdit Please help me with this problem!
How did you set your spawn? Via EssentialsSpawn? Are you getting any errors? Have you tried to re-set the spawn?
Since you are running EssentialsSpawn, you have no need for SpawnTeleport. Just use /setspawn in Essentials. Based on the SpawTeleport comments, I'd say the author still has some work to do to make it more stable. I suspect SpawnTeleport is the cause.