I have a pvp arena and i dont want to my donators can fly in pvp. So i need a plugin who do like you mark a region and set fly deny. Worldguard cant do that. All plugins i have see its out of version or not work with essentials.fly. Its essentials.fly i use to do /fly! So please help!
yeah i need somebody to answer this question aswell. I did the region flag but when people already have the fly command they can still fly in the region that blocks the command
Its not work! Are you sure that? i cant find anything on they wiki. And yes i have we and wg installed
GorguZ Couldn't you just make walls around the arena so they couldn't fly into it with the exception of the worldguard flag??
How did you mean? With only 2 blocks high ceiling? Or with worldguard commands? because that command who say before in the post dosent exist
World Guard will not disable fly. It will however prevent a player from toggling it. What is being said, is A) Find a plugin that will support that. or B) Build walls around your arena (So players who already flying cant fly into it. And use WG to prevent players from /fly ing once they are in.
While this is normally true there is a plugin that can extend its functionality to disable fly within a region. iLakerz GorguZ http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/worldguard-custom-flags/ and http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/worldguard-fly-flag/ or http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/worldguard-flystop/
I just read the comments and many say that not work! And its out of date or not work with essentials.fly
TreeDB Okey! Its not work for me! I have upload it but its not work. Its say i dont have the plugin. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.