My server's been crashing once or twice per day now. It's not showing any errors in the console. Out of the blue it starts spamming Read Timed Out. I'm wondering if you guys can tell me if I have an unstable plugin or incompatible plugin. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **EDIT** These are the questions I needed to answer to hopefully get some more help. 1. What OS are you using? Linux 2. What architecture is the OS you are running? 32-bit (I'm guessing that's x86) 3. What version and architecture is your java install? I'll ask my host and repost it when I have it. 4. Are you running any wrappers? McMyAdmin 5. What build of CraftBukkit are you running? 1000 6. What command are you using to run your CraftBukkit server? I shall ask my host, too. 7. What plugins are you running? Code: advanced bans v0.4_2 AfkKick Authme bLog ColorMe CommandBook DeathTpPlus EssentialsGroupBridge EssentialsGroupManager iConomy Lockette LogBlock LogBlockQuestioner LyTreeHelper MCMA_compat Multihome NoCheat obuJustShutTheHellUp Parties Prefixer Questioner SimpleReserve SpawnX Towny Vanilla WorldEdit WorldGuard 8. What error are you getting? No errors, just Read Timed Out and Connection Reset. 9. What have you tried already? Adding more RAM and CPU power. 10. Have you tried any of the things below? Yes except for trying the plugins one at a time. If I waited 6 hours for 1 plugin it would take waay to long...
nice plugin list... i cant run iconomy and others (some can some canot) do you know whats the problem with mine? Code: error in opening zip file at Method) at at java.util.jar.JarFile.( at java.util.jar.JarFile.( at at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugin( at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugins( at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins( at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.( at net.minecraft.server.ServerConfigurationManager.( at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init( at at
@ Hydrosis I'm having the same issue, did you try to /save-all? does it crash about 30-60 secs after you do it?
@SergioLogan Try deleting the plugins and configs and reinstalling them @Crete21 Hmm, that might be it. I have McMyAdmin to save the server every few hours. I'll take it off and see if it stops crashing the server.
It's DeathTpPlus. It starts off fine, but after a few minutes it starts using more CPU than the server plus all your plugins combined.