
Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Seniorpablo, Aug 14, 2017.

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    Plugin category: Ranking

    Minecraft version: 1.12.1

    Suggested name: RankMenu

    What I want: I want a plugin that allows users to spend in game money to purchase ranks, however I do not want it to be like the other ranking systems such as Autorank. How I want it to work is to just have one command for members which would be "/ranks" which opens up a gui with all the ranks available to non donors. I want them to be able to left click the rank they want to buy, however they would not be able to purchase a higher rank without progressing towards it first. For example: If I am currently "rank 3" and I want to get to "rank 5", I would first have to purchase "rank 4". I want the plugin to be compatible with permissionsex and based off the ranks I currently have in the server.
    P:S: I want the ranks to be displayed as different coloured wool, and when hovering over the ranks it gives the player a cash value and the bonuses they get. For example, "rank 1" will have a line saying $5000, and another saying Gives permission to /fly.

    Ideas for commands: /rm ranks

    Ideas for permissions: rankmenu.ranks

    When I'd like it by: Next couple of weeks.
  2. Offline


    I'll probably work on this, but what permissions system are you using?
  3. Offline


    A clever combination of an already existing plugin where you can make guis as well as pextras and aliases would work fine.
  4. Offline


    But harder to manage. ;)
  5. Offline


    on the contrary, if you ever need to change something you can do so without getting another plugin developer to do so for you
  6. Offline


    I ment that the more complex a system is, the easier it is for something to go wrong.
  7. Offline


    Yes, but guis are not complicated once you learn the basics of a plugin - even then, there are 5 min tutorials. I strongly recommend u get a customisable gui than a plugin that will be useless once you make a rank change.

    Sorry it isn't what you want to hear
  8. Offline


    I am using permissionsex
  9. Offline


    If @PenguinOwl doesn't start working on this plugin, I will.
  10. Offline


    Feel free to work on this plugin. I won't be able to start until Thursday.
  11. Offline


    So is there anyone working on it?
  12. Offline


    @Seniorpablo I probably might work on this if I get the chance to. No promises. May you answer the below please?
    1- should the price be configured?
    2- should the items and their specifics (lore/name/NBT) in the GUI be configured?
    3- the GUI slots should be dividable by 9, it can't be 21 slots (some major errors may occur)
    4- should the ranks be configured?
    5- should the command executed when the player clicks on an item in the GUI be configured?
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2017
  13. Offline


    Im sorry xTechno_ I don't understand what you mean by configured. I don't know much about creating plugins
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

  15. Offline


    Thank you timtower. To answer your questions techno:
    1. I would like the prices to be changeable in the config
    2. If you are talking about what the items will say in the GUI, then yes I want those changeable in the config
    3. Thats fine it was just a rough sketch
    4. Yes I want the ranks to be configured, and is there anyway to link them to the already made ranks from my permissionsex?
    5. I want the command to just give them that rank if they have enough money, and only if they have the rank before it. As well as take that amount of money out of their account.
  16. Offline


    @Seniorpablo Okay, I'll start working on this. I can say it may be done after a week max. I'll let you know the progress and if I stopped.
  17. You can use the bossShop plugin <Edit by Moderator: Redacted not allowed paid resource url> and pair it with plugin Aliases <Edit by Moderator: Redacted not allowed paid resource url>
    and form that sort of shop

    It is not hard for me to make you a quick template that you an edit later , reply if you are interested.

    Note : making purchased ranks change colour/ item is not possible for what i know with this , but you can hide them
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2021
  18. Offline


    They don't have to change colour it was just a thought, but id like it to atleast say "Purchased" when you have scrolled over the ranks you already have. Also, I would still like this plugin developed, however I am interested in what you are talking about.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 17, 2017
  19. Offline


    Current progress (striked means finished):
    Config (almost done)
    Ranks system (encountering some small issues, should be solved soon)
    Compatibility with Pex and Vault (shouldn't be hard)

    Btw, do you want it like, there is a prefix/suffix when the player chats?
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2017
  20. Offline


    I’m gonna make this just cause its a good idea :p

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    You do know that @xTechno_ is already working on it right?
    Reflxction likes this.
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    Yes I want a prefix by the players name when he talks
  23. Offline


    I’m aware, I’m doing it for myself just cause it’s a cool idea
    Reflxction likes this.
  24. Offline


    Sorry, this might take longer than I expected.
    @Puyodead1 If you ever finish it feel free to post it here, I'm encountering issues right now while making it
  25. Offline


    Any issues you're having that we can help you with?
  26. Offline


    @PenguinOwl Mostly trying to keep the player's UUID in an arraylist after server reload/restart, and trying to store the data in SQL :p
  27. Offline


    Hows it coming?
  28. Offline


    Can't use just store all your data in a separate yml?
  29. Offline


    Maybe you can check this plugin out?
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