PVP Stats

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Jerooski, Feb 14, 2015.

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    Plugin category: PVP

    Suggested name: RankPVPStats

    What I want: A Multiworld support and Customizable plugin that keeps record of the PVP Stats of players and puts them in a leaderboard, sorting them by rank. You can choose if the statistics can be per world, in a single world or in all of the worlds.

    The leaderboard will be sorted from #1 to #1000, the players above the rank #1000, when they request their stats, they will see their rank as #+1000. Also players who have no kills, deaths, etc, will see their rank as #UNRANKED. The Rank sorting will be considered with kills, meaning that the player with most kills will be #1 therefore the player with less kills will be #+1

    There will also be a score system, pretty much like points, Every time a player kills another player, the killer obtains the percentage set in config of score that the victim had. That means:
    KILLER X VICTIM = Killer +% of Victim's score & Victim -% of His own score.
    The score will only be there show off :).

    Config will look like this:
    [Ranked PVP Statistics]
    Statistics Enabled: true
    Score Gain/loose percentage: '5'
    #The Worlds listed below will be the only one affected by the plugin, and only statistics can be seen there.
    - 'world'
    - 'kitpvp'
    whitelist enabled: true
    whitelist: 'potions'
    #NOTE: The worlds in the whitelist will be linked with the main world, meaning that: 'potions' will have the same statistics as 'world' & 'kitpvp'.
    #Messages displayed in chat:
    Prefix: '&7>>'
    Player: '&6%player%''s Stats:'
    Rank: '&6Rank: &e&l#%rank%'
    Kills: '&6Kills: &e%kills%'
    Deaths: '&6Deaths: &e%deaths%'
    K/D Ratio: '&6Ratio: &e%ratio%'
    Score: '&6Score: &e%score%'
    Stats Reset Enabled: true
    #Message for Stats reset:
    Reset Message: '&7>> &cYou are about to reset your stats! This cannot be undone! &8&l(YES/NO)'
    Reset Yes: '&7>> &8You have successfully rested your statistics!'
    Reset No: '&7>> &8You have aborted stats reset...'
    Booster Availability: true
    Booster time (s=seconds, m=minutes, h=hours): '1h'
    Ideas for commands:
    - /stats = Will display the statistics of the player.
    - /stats [player] = Will display the statistics of the requested player.
    - /statsreset = Reset the statics of the player, can only be used with permission. When it asks the player If YES or NO to the reset, the player will have to type in chat 'yes' or 'no', and the command will do either an abort or keep on going.
    - /statsreset [player] = Reset the statistics of the requested player, only with permission.
    - /booster = Activates booster, Everytime you pass to a next rank, instead of going 1 postion in front, you go 2 positions in front, a x2 rank Booster, can only be obtained with permission.
    Ideas for permissions:
    - rankpvpstats.reset = Permission to reset your own statistics.
    - rankpvpstats.admin = Permission to reset anyone's statistics.
    - rankpvpstats.booster = Permission to gain the x2 rank booster.
    When I'd like it by: Before March Ends
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