1.3.09-b945 Orebfuscator, GroupManager, Minequery, World-Edit, Vault, Stargate, TreeAssist, WorldGuard, Punishmental, Simply vanish, Permissions, Lockette, No cheat, aVotifier, AutoSaveWorld, mcMMO, Mob Disguise, EssentialsSpawn, Essentials Chat, Faction I am not the owner of this server, but I want to save it. We can't figure out what the issue is. We have the server properties PvP on, Essentials PvP On, World Guard PvP True. I need serious help. Sidenote: mcMMO's special abilities still work and damage in PvP, like serrated blades and skull splitter. Damage and Poison potions still damage in PvP Zones too We did this too: "Backup your plugins folder and delete everything but the launcher, the craftbukkit.jar and bans/white list if you need it. Let it regenerate the config, and see if that fixes it." I'll send $5 bucks via paypal to the individual who gets my PvP working, not even joking.
Is your permissions plugin PermissionEx? If so delete Modifyworld.jar or add the appropriate perm nodes.
Yes, if your in the same faction you cannot attack each other, furthermore if your in different factions but allied neutral or in truce pvp is disabled.
Even without factions, players can't pvp eachother. Enemy Factions cant Pvp eachother. It isn't that.
There are options like "Factionless players don't PvP" Also be sure you are not in a WG region where a PvP flag is set to 'deny' Edit: You also have to enemy a faction to attack other factions.
Rename the plugin folder to pluginsa restart the server, if you cannot PvP delete the server.properties and reconfig them, if you can then it is a plugin problem, from there remove a plug-in 1 at a time until you can pvp, the plugin you had last removed caused the problem, if it was a plug-in tell me the name and paste the config
This is a live server. I really think your permissions plugin is out of date and you also have group manager. Why need both? Use group manager since you already use Essentials
try to disable either essentialsprotect.jar or worldguard.jar, see if you get anything. "permissions" is the groupmanager fake permissions plugin, used to bridge to permissions3 based plugins. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Look at the OP, he did not list E. P. as a plugin, he is not using it, therefore E. P. cannot be a problem because it is not in use by the server ._. Were you able to PvP after renaming the plug-in folder and restarting the server? EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
To help out... The problem is your MultiWorld plugin StarGate. Make sure that the world's pvp is set to true