PvP is disabled

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by EpicPigz, Mar 8, 2013.

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  1. Offline


    Ever since yesterday, all pvp on my server has been disabled somehow. I cant remember anything I have done that would have caused it. I have checked, pvp is enabled in the server.properties, as well as multiverse and towny. I cant think of any other plugins that could prevent pvp. Heres my plugin list.
  2. Offline


    The plugins that I think control PvP are Multiverse, Modifyworld, Essentials/EssentialsProtect and possibly EssentialsAntiBuild. And then your standard server.properties. You could also set pvp to false in WorldGuard. Those would be the places I would start looking.
  3. Offline


    Get rid of essentialsantibuild
  4. Offline


    It seems that EssentialsAntiBuild and Multiverse are canceling the event of PvP.

    To fix this,

    1. Go to your "plugins" folder
    2. Go to the "Multiverse-Core" folder (NOT .jar)
    3. Open "worlds.yml"
    4. Find the world and set the "pvp" value to "true"
    5. Go back to your "plugins" folder
    6. Delete EssentialsAntiBuild or Modifyworld, see which one causes the problem. It may be both.
    Hope I helped!
  5. Offline


    That didnt fix it :(

    All of those are set to allow pvp, but I cant find any option for it in worldguard

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 31, 2016
  6. Offline


    The option in WorldGuard will be in your region files. Take a look at all of your regions.yml looking for pvp being set to deny. Probably set to your __global__ region.
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