Is it possible to prevent items to drop in a arena? Aswell as Experince? Whondering.. I am talking about when they die.
WorldGuard has a way to make it so that a protected region can't have dropped items in it... Not sure about the experience...
Siickest I know you can set a gamerule but that usually goes for the current world that you are in. You could create a new world for your PvP arena where players keep Items on Death. I believe the command is /gamerule KeepInventory allow It is case sensitive it might be keepInventory Either one, but that is up to you. Also I am unsure about experience not being dropped, I do not think that is possible with World Guard as I do not see it in any of the flags.
Well. I've made a PvP arena at the spawn. People can Pvp and everything but their items is dropt. I want to type a flag at the pvp arena so they don't drop.. I tried /region flag pvp item-drop deny but did not work I am talking about when they die.. :S EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Try redefining your region once you add the flag. /rg redefine regionname If it asks you to select the region (sometimes it requires it) /region select regionname In my opinion I think world guard is broken with some of the flags...
SirRadget You can't drop items by pressing Q .. But I want it to be .. That If they die, they don't loose their inventory
Might be under flags Might be in the config You'd have to look in the wiki. Again, I'm not entirely sure.