I have a question... how can i put a photo as some other people did to their plugin's page? Example: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/holographic-displays/ like he put HOLOGRAPHIC DISPLAYS... how can i do this? I know which program i can use but i am asking how can i put the photo there...
You need to use the button, that's how they did it. Put the image URL, maybe upload it to www.imgur.com
I did it but it looks like this << >> Look it and on your own... ( up left ) http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/bkits/ ( My Plugin )
AngelopoulosYT The image is corrupt, try uploading it to www.imgur.com. Then you need to put the URL (by right clicking -> Copy image URL [Chrome]) then pasting it after clicking the image button/