Project Approval

Discussion in 'BukkitDev Information and Feedback' started by BeMacized, Dec 14, 2013.

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    Hi there,

    I got a bit of an issue with getting my project approved.
    I submitted my project on the 6th of December, (You can find the project here), but it required changes, and was therefore declined for immediate approval. (I was notified of this a few hours after I submitted the project, which was the next day, the 7th of December. Quick work guys!)
    The reason of it not being approved, was that the primary category of my project was "admin tools", which was the default value for the field, which I forgot to alter. I immediately fixed this on the 7th, but up till today, the 14th, a bit more than a week later, my project still hasn't been approved.

    I usually don't want to nag anyone about long approval times, but since this doesn't involve checking any code, or plugins, I'm still asking: Is the queue really that big, and do I just have to be patient, or is there something going wrong here?

    Thanks a bunch,
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    You need to resubmit it once you have made the changes, otherwise it won't re-enter the queue and nobody will review it. Please refer to your rejection PM for instructions.
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    Thanks I missed that!
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