Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by SamJoll, Apr 7, 2021.

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    Hello everyone.
    I want to add func when player uses certain item and after column of blocks appears with height equal 6, but RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK called twice and set 7-height pillar and also removed 2 items instead of 1.
    I don't register event twice and I tried check main hand
    Code presents below

        public void onItemUse(PlayerInteractEvent e) {
            if (e.getAction().equals(Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK)) {
                if(EquipmentSlot.HAND.equals(e.getHand()) && flag_basic.targetItem.isSimilar(e.getItem())) {
                    Location basicOrigin = e.getClickedBlock().getLocation();
                    e.getItem().setAmount(e.getItem().getAmount() - 1);
                    for (int iB = 0; iB < 6; iB++) {
                        basicOrigin.add(0, 1, 0);
  2. Offline


    Try this code, it worked for me.
    Tested in 1.7.10 version.

    Use "==" instead of .equals() to compare Enums.

    public void onItemUse(PlayerInteractEvent e)
        if(e.getItem().getType() == Material.STICK && e.getAction() == Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK)
            Block b = e.getClickedBlock();
            e.getItem().setAmount(e.getItem().getAmount() - 1);
            for(int iB = 1; iB <= 6; iB++)
                b.getRelative(BlockFace.UP, iB).setType(Material.LOG);
  3. Offline


    If it runs twice you might be registering the pluginmanager registerevents function twice. Check in your onEnable() that that isn't true.
  4. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @SamJoll Check which hand it is, it is firing for the main and offhand.
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