here is my config kits: start: delay: 100000 items: - 272 1 name:&6&lStart_sword smite:1 unbreaking:3 - 260 10 nymph: delay: 86400 items: - 298 1 name:&3nymph_&2helmet protection:5 unbreaking:3 - 299 1 name:&3nymph_&2chestplate protection:5 unbreaking:3 - 300 1 name:&3nymph_&2leggings protection:5 unbreaking:3 - 301 1 name:&3nymph_&2boots protection:5 unbreaking:3 - 17 1 name:&3nymph_&2wepon sharpness:5 smite:5 - 260 10 - 322 1 satyr: delay: 172800 items: - 302 1 name:&1satyr_&2helmet protection:7 unbreaking:5 - 303 1 name:&3satyr_&2chestplate protection:7 unbreaking:5 - 304 1 name:&3satyr_&2leggings protection:7 unbreaking:5 - 305 1 name:&3satyr_&2boots protection:7 unbreaking:5 - 352 1 name:&3satyr_&2wepon sharpness:7 smite:7 looting:5 - 260 20 - 322:1 1 halfblood: delay: 172800 items: - 302 1 name:&1halfblood_&2helmet protection:12 unbreaking:10 - 303 1 name:&3halfblood_&2chestplate protection:12 unbreaking:10 - 304 1 name:&3halfblood_&2leggings protection:12 unbreaking:10 - 305 1 name:&3halfblood_&2boots protection:12 unbreaking:10 - 280 1 name:&3halfblood_&2wepon sharpness: sharpness:10 smite:10 looting:10 - 260 20 - 322:1 1 Hero: delay: 259200 items: - 314 1 name:&5&lHero_&7&lhelmet protection:15 unbreaking:15 - 315 1 name:&5&lHero_&7&lchestplate protection:15 unbreaking:15 - 316 1 name:&5&lHero_&7&lleggings protection:15 unbreaking:15 - 317 1 name:&5&lHero_&7&lboots protection:15 unbreaking:15 - 385 1 name:&5&lHero_&7&lwepon sharpness:15 smite:15 looting:15 - 260 32 - 322:1 8 oracle: delay: 345600 items: - 302 1 name:&9&loracle_&7&lhelmet protection:18 unbreaking:15 - 303 1 name:&9&loracle_&7&lchestplate protection:18 unbreaking:15 - 304 1 name:&9&lorical_&7&lleggings protection:18 unbreaking:15 - 305 1 name:&9&lorical_&7&lboots protection:18 unbreaking:15 - 399 1 name:&9&lorical_&7&lwepon sharpness:15 smite:15 looting:15 - 260 48 - 322:1 16 olympian: delay: 432000 items: - 310 1 name:&7&lolymian_&7&lhelmet protection:25 unbreaking:25 - 311 1 name:&7&lolypian_&7&lchestplate protection:25 unbreaking:25 - 312 1 name:&7&lolypian_&7&lleggings protection:25 unbreaking:25 - 313 1 name:&7&lopian_&7&lboots protection:25 unbreaking:25 - 369 1 name:&7&lolypian_&7&lwepon sharpness:25 smite:25 looting:25 - 260 64 - 322:1 48 zuse: delay: 518400 items: - 310 1 name:&8&lZuse_&7&lhelmet protection:35 unbreaking:35 - 311 1 name:&8&lZuse_&7&lchestplate protection:35 unbreaking:35 - 312 1 name:&8&lZuse_&7&lleggings protection:35 unbreaking:35 - 313 1 name:&8&lZuse_&7&lboots protection:35 unbreaking:35 - 369 1 name:&8&lZuse_&7&lwepon sharpness:35 smite:35 looting:35 - 260 64 - 322:1 64 tar: delay: 604800 items: - 310 1 name:&8&lTar_&7&lhelmet protection:50 unbreaking:50 - 311 1 name:&8&lTar_&7&lchestplate protection:50 unbreaking:50 - 312 1 name:&8&lTar_&7&lleggings protection:50 unbreaking:50 - 313 1 name:&8&lTar_&7&lboots protection:50 unbreaking:50 - 369 1 name:&8&lTar_&7&lwepon sharpness:50 smite:50 looting:50 - 260 64 - 322:1 64 now heres my problem kits halfblood-tar dont work but kits start nymph and satyr work just fine what did i do wrong?
How old are you? There is a billion spelling mistakes in here. I suggest correcting them. Anyways you should paste your essentials confif using . it's easier to see indent errors and such.
Enchantments are before names. So it would be something like this - 310 1 protection:35 unbreaking:35 name:&8&lZuse_&7&lhelmet Remember to set unsafe enchantments to true in essentials, otherwhise it wont work when its over highest enchant in minecraft