Plugin category: Fun Suggested name: Prestige What I want: First, This Plugin Is For Prison Server. And I Want It Like If You /prestige At [Free] Rank Then It Will Set You A Prestige And Reset Your Balance And Change Rank To [A][1]{username}. Then If He Get To Free Again And He Need To Do /prestige Then [A][2]{username}. I Want It To Be Until Prestige 10. Ideas for commands: /prestige Ideas for permissions: prestige.1 -> prestige.10 When I'd like it by: Maybe A Week. I Can Wait But Atleast Its Not A Month.
Can You Guys Make It? Or Need More Info timtower Walruski EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Ha, I play a server called WoodyCraft and they have this exact (Custom) plugin that you are wanting. By any chance is this where you got the idea from? I don't play other Prison servers so I don't know weather or not others have the same thing aswell.