Hey all, Some of you may have seen my previous tutorials ( http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/programming-bukkit-plugins-for-beginners.63525/ ). I am starting a new Series that is very detailed and covers pretty much everything. Each link will be to my website where you can comment in a forum thread on each video. (You are by no means required to signup on my forum, but it is much easier to manage than Youtube comments.) The direct links will take you to the Youtube video not to my Website. Introduction 1 - What we are doing? - http://bukkitplugins...uction-welcome/ - (Direct) Part 1 2 - JDK, Eclipse and the Bukkit Library - http://bukkitplugins...etting-started/ - (Direct) 3 - Creating our first Basic Plugin - http://bukkitplugins.net/forum/index.php?/topic/6-creating-a-basic-plugin/ - (Direct)
That is gonna be super useful dude! Waiting for new episodes. Lets see people starting coding a bunch. Thanks a lot, Ralms.
Even though I could make some decent intermediate bukkit plugins, I find that watching tuts could never hurt maybe I will learn something new . Nice job.