I was wondering if there was any plugins out there who which I could make a "custom warp" like this "/castle" and then I get warped to that castle?
i think he means a portal application, either through worldguard's regions, or something like world portal, that lets you use signs, or buttons and stuff. There are MANY portal/ teleportation mods. but most require you to know the location of where you want to go first (i.e. go to the castle, write down the xyz of where you are, then set your teleport location... So a question to ask your self is, how exactly do you want to teleport, and what other things do you want from the teleport program? I personally use http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/world-portal/ This seems to be more what you're asking for though, Warning I havent tested this http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/jwarp/
sure, I believe there are many... try CommandsEX, it's got more than warps but you can choose to only download warps if you choose from the Builder page Edit: I misunderstood the question a bit, but CommandsEX also has commands aliases, so you can create a new warp using it and then in the config file, you can create an alias for it... however, you'd need to do this manually for each of them
izak12345678910 That sounds great, but can you type in what I need to type in the config? I got CommandHelper. I think I'm going with izak's solution, but thanks guys. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Hope it helped and you can see other short cuts people have made theres a section for that and you can make custom commands like /troll = /suicide or /kit Random = /i stone \ /i grass