Plugin category: Informational Suggested name: Online Time Tracker What I want: - I would like to use a plugin, which tracks the last login and online time of the last session and total online time of each player. - it would be nice if a list could be shown in the motd by using a string eg. {onlinetimes} Ideas for commands: /showtime player /showtime list /showtime propagate player /showtime propagate list Ideas for permissions: would be nice if the commands could be restricted by a plugin like eg. "bpermissions" or"expermissions" When I'd like it by: this plugin would just be nice to have Other plugins which do not support the requested functionality: -> no motd support, no last login -> no motd support, no last login -> doesn´t track online time, no motd support Notes: - Please post if you know any plugins with similar functionality. Thanks for reading!