Plugin Problem[SEVERE][Global]

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Caziban, Mar 4, 2011.

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    Been reading around and doing a couple hours of troubleshooting with no success. Currently, Bukkit is rejecting all plugins. As I've seen recently: "[SEVERE] Could not load plugins\*yourpluginnamehere*.jar in plugins:null.

    I've seen this all over the place in many different threads and such. I was currently using the latest build (Which is 497 I believe?) and I read a suggestion to downgrade to #440, but that failed too. There's currently a conflict with Bukkit and the folder itself. Currently running an x64 based system using the "start.bat" config listed on the Bukkit wiki.

    Is there a solution to this? Does anyone even realize this is going on with the latest Bukkit builds?
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    Fill this out. It isn't a problem affecting most people - at least not me. I'm running 493 without a lot of plugin conflicts.
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