Plugin Maintainer wanted.... and bye

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by Don Redhorse, Dec 13, 2012.

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    Don Redhorse


    I should have done a lot earlier but I finally say bye.

    I can't stand the attitude the bukkit team shows towards the community and how many promises where made and broken.

    The final straw was a moderator closing a farewell thread where a developer of some very successful plugins layed out his reasons why he is leaving bukkit. Instead of a warning that some of the responses in that thread aren't welcome here because they should be discussed in a back room on github (because otherwise that thread would have been the most active one in these forums) the thread was closed... end... bye... and that is why I say bye.

    All of my plugins (except DwarfForge which is taken over by chaseoes and DeathTpPlus which is probably maintained by mung3r) are looking for Maintainers.


    Please contact the staff about taking those over... you can find me in the Spout forums.
    17xDillz1997 likes this.
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    You too?
    I *think* you should throw this in Bukkit+, that's where I usually find requests for maintainers.
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    I hear you man... They do tend to get way too lock-happy. The dogmatic and obtuse positions Bukkit staff has maintained about various issues makes it difficult to deal with them at times.

    Good luck.
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    Don Redhorse
    Farewell and best of luck.

    I had already warned once in this thread, yet the flaming on that post continued. Besides, he left, what was the point in further discussion on that other than to bring the github discussion onto these forums, which we do not want, despite the flaming and trolling on that discussion.

    On the contrary Ne0nx3r0, we are quite easy to work with. However flaming us by saying we follow dogmatic and obtuse positions really is a poor way to start a discussion, and thus, once more I say: locked.
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