Please Help: LWC and Craftbook Problems

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by _AMPLiFY, Sep 3, 2011.

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    Hey, It would be greatly appreciated if you could help me with two problems I'm having!

    1. When I put LWC on my server, no one can place any blocks. Not even cobble or any other normal blocks. It also shows a message in the chat saying:
    "[LWC] Internal Error. Notify An Admin Immediately. :pLAYER_INTERACT"

    2. For Craftbook, I don't want the default players to be able to use or make Craftbook signs. However I cant find the file to edit this so anyone can make the signs. (Only when LWC isn't enabled I remind you)
    Also, when a player goes to use a craftbook sign like [LIFT] for example, it says in the chat:
    "You don't have permission to use elevators"
    But then it lifts them up/down.

    It would be greatly appreciated if you could help me out.

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