Filled Player tracker

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by MrFade, Sep 11, 2024.

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    Plugin category: Random

    Minecraft version: 1.21+

    Suggested name: Trackercompass

    What I want: Hi, I would like a tracker compass just like this (but I only want it to show players that are in survival mode)
    this plugin is abandoned isn't updated to the newer version

    1: making it so it only tracks players that are in a placeholder (I have player names in a placeholder). That placeholder can be updated in config and also can enable/disable this feature in config
    2: also add a option to track a nearest player option in the menu (player head will be displayed at the bottom or top of gui if he’s near to you) see attached screenshot )
    3: make it so it only works tracks players who are in survival mode. We can enable and disable this feature in config

    Ideas for commands: /compass

    Ideas for permissions: compass.use

    When I'd like it by: Soon as possible.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2024
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    Can someone make this please
  3. Offline


    I can start making this, but what do you mean by #1? What are you referring to when you say "placeholder"?
  4. Offline


    So I have a placeholder where I add specific player’s to
  5. Offline


    So in the config, make a section called "placeholder" where only those users can be tracked?
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    EDIT: Please make sure
    1: This works all worlds OVERWORLD, NETHER and END
    2: If you are tracking nearest player and if a player went to the nether or end. It will track if a player's portal is near or if a player is near
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2024
  7. Offline


    still need it
  8. Offline


  9. Offline


    From what I understand (and from the plugin you linked) I assume you just want some kind of Manhunt plugin. I found this on spigot and it supports the newest versions (including tracking compass mechanics), please tell me if this fits your needs:
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    don't really want a manhunt plugin just need a compass but I coded it in skript so I am good now
    raffel080108 likes this.
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