
Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by Benjamin030934, Jul 2, 2015.

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  1. Offline


    Hey! I am looking for a plugin where you can use /phone (number) and talk with someone, just like msg or chat channels. You can register a phone number with /phone register and it should be a 4-5 digit number. Also 911 available. You should register with /phone register 911. Who ever registered that the 911 call goes to.
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2015
  2. Offline


    You should register with /phone register 911. Who ever registered that the 911 call goes to.
  3. Offline


    @Benjamin030934 is it a

    /phone registert <number>
    /phone <number> <msg>
    please put the right arguments confused ..
  4. Offline


    I think he means
    /phone register <number> - Lets you create a channel
    /phone <number> - Lets you join the channel, and anything you say will go to the channel
  5. Offline


    let me explain better! Thanks for taking a look. @raymart23 @MnMaxon

    So you would do (/phone register) it would register a random number (4-6) digit number. Then you can call someone with /phone (number) when the other person receives the call it should say &c incoming Call from <player> <number>. Now for the 911 part. You should do /phone register 911. Then people can do /phone 911 and talk to the person who registered it as 911. Although the 911 Operator should also have a private phone number. IF 911 IS TOO HARD IT IS NOT NEEDED.
  6. @Benjamin030934 I get it, I will probably make this. Already have 3 I need to make or modify though so give me time.

    By the way, the 911 isn't too hard but I will probably just make it through a permission.
  7. Offline


    @bwfcwalshy Thank you sooo much! My server needed this a lot and it's a BIG help. When do you think it will be done? No rush at all! Thanks again! You don't know how grateful I am!
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    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 3, 2015
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    Hey @bwfcwalshy ! I am just really curious, is it almost done? I don't mean to rush you at all. Again, thanks so much!
  10. @Benjamin030934 Yeah, I just need to add answering and denying. I have added a couple features that I think you will also like. It will easily be done today.
  11. Offline


  12. @Benjamin030934 Call timeout, /phone number, /phone endcall, /phone answer, /phone deny, and if you want the admins or a donator or something to have a custom number you can easily change it in phone-numbers.yml
  13. Offline


    @bwfcwalshy Do you think there is any way to make it so someone such as a phone salesman can activate their phone? Example: /phone activate (ign). This isn't needed in this update, but it just sounds cool.
  14. Offline


    @bwfcwalshy Like a phone company? AT&T or Verizon, T-Mobile? It would mean that they might have to go to a store and pay someone to activate their phone, I just thought it sounded cool, for a future update.
  15. @Benjamin030934 Yeah sounds like a cool future update. I will add it to my TODO list.
  16. Offline


    @bwfcwalshy K, thanks. What time today will it be out?
  17. @Benjamin030934 I don't know, I'm not currently home so I can't work on it for a while.

    BukkiDev page:
    /p register
    /p call (number)
    /p number
    /p answer - If you have bukkitphones.911 you can use /p answer (911)
    /p deny
    /p hangup - Also can be used by /p endcall

    bukkitphones.911 - Allows access to /p answer 911
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2015
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