PermissionsEX with MultiCraft CP Online players issue.

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by blorp6161, Apr 18, 2013.

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    So i did a investigation on why Multicraft wasn't displaying online users even if someone was online. My host also did a investigation and came to a conclution that it was either CraftBukkit or a Plugin.
    I found that when i took PermissionsEX out of my plugin folder, it showed online players again. I also thought that it might be EssentialsChat.jar since it had color with it. I have a feeling it something has to with pre-fixes i have set but does anyone know how to maybe fix this?
  2. Offline


    There should never be this problem at all , Update all your plugins and if the problem still comes up again post a list of your plugins here :D
  3. Offline


    I updated all my plugins to the latest but its still not working.
    - PlugMan
    - WorldEdit & WorldGuard
    - CustomPotions
    - SimpleAutoAnnouncer
    - Vault
    - Plotme
    - PermissionsEX
    - PlayerHeads
    - Multiverse-core, portals & invntories
    - LogBlock
    - uSkyBlock
    - ProtocolLob
    - GriefPrevention
    - Votifier
    - SuperSpleef
    - McMMO
    - MobArena
    - Essentials Regular, chat & Spawn
    - Citizens
    - Enjin Minecraft Plugin
    - DisguiseCraft
    - OnTime
    - CompatNoCheatPlus
    - CraftBook
    - Factions
    - NoCheatPlus
    - MCBans
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  6. Offline


    are the players seen online in the tab list or /list?
  7. Offline


    Yes, i can see players by doing /list and in the ''tab'' list.
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