PermissionsEx, How do I get two prefixes?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Tice, May 16, 2013.

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    Hello! Im wondering how to get two prefixes. Say that I have a village called "Village" this village has a rank called "Village". But inside this village there are traders, these traders have their own rank called "Trader". How do I make it so that I get the prefix [Village] [Trader] (PlayerName)?

    Thanks In Advance!
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    As far as I know, (using permissionsEx for many months now) you would have to do it manually by doing /pex user {playername} prefix [Village][Trader]. You could also make it a sign command (when they right click the sign it gives them that prefix) to give them that prefix using Serversigns:
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    Thanks! Anybody else have an idea?
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    In the Chat Manager plugin that comes with PEX, move the Suffix to behind the Prefix and before the username. then you can set both the Suffix and Prefix with them both acting like a Prefix
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    But then that removes my suffix right?
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    Ya, it douse only other way I can think of is what themine12 said, or to look for a chat plugin that's compatable with PEX that douse that.
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