Solved Permissions

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by RoboticPlayer, Aug 12, 2015.

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    This might sound kind of dumb, but I am still somewhat new to plugin development. I am wondering how I can create a permission node that will give access to all permissions in the plugin. I know that you can check for a permission node in the plugin code using
    if (!sender.hasPermission("troll.zap")) {
                    sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.WHITE + "Unknown command. Type /help for help.");
                    return true;
    but what if I want to create the permission node troll.* and give that node access to all commands in the plugin. How would I do this?
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    I have that. I want to create 1 permission node for all of the commands as well as the individual nodes.
            description: /zap
            default: op   
    Above is in my plugin.yml file.
    EDIT: Wait, do you mean add a 2nd check for the permission troll.* in front of each command?
  4. Offline


    if (!sender.hasPermission("troll.zap"&&sender.hasPermission("troll.*")) {
    The '*' in the permission node means nothing by itself. It is the same as any other character. What you need to do is tread Troll.* as though it was it's own permission (like troll.zap)
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    Ok, but in that code that you just gave me, does that not essentials say that you have to have both the troll.zap node AND the troll.* node? Or does it treat && as or?
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    @henderry2019 if you read the link I sent it tells u about permissions and using children to make parent permissions.
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    Thank you, it works!
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