Outdated server help

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by xboxnolifes, Feb 23, 2011.

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    EDIT: CMD says that im running on server 1.2_2, I downloaded the craftbukkit 1.3 update, why is this?

    well when i try to run my server, I get this:


    I have the new craftbukkit update.

    Is it my plugins, or is it my world or what?

    --- merged: Feb 23, 2011 11:22 PM ---
    also, I am running on windows 7 / 64-bit processor
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    It is because the craftbukkit software needs to be updated
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    Wait so you did download craftbukkit for 1.3, i.e. 419+? Where did you put it and how did you name it then? Because it should work and print 1.3 version.
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