Plugin Help OPs Even Don't Have Permissions?

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by King_Jul, Apr 6, 2015.

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    My server has been up for a few weeks now, and all of a sudden, my ops can no longer do /pl? It states "I'm sorry, but you do not have permission to perform this command. Please contact the server administrators if you believe this is an error."

    Like I said, it WAS working, now it is not. Can anyone help?
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    Did you make the plugin that is causing the issues? If you did, make sure that the permission you set is default to op.

    If you didn't make the plugin, check your permission manager, and make sure that whatever rank has that permission node
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    But my problem is, all the ranks were working fine with the permissions. I haven't touched the permission files since. Now just all of a sudden, OPs cant do /pl.

    BTW, I'm using PermissionsEx

    After a little bit of testing, even groups with the * node does not have access to /pl. As of now, I am unsure if there is any other commands I can not access.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 6, 2015
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    @King_Jul Try adding the Permission Node bukkit.commands.plugin
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    Nope, didn't work. I have the * node inserted into the same group I am in.. so this SHOULD give me permissions to everything. Like I said in an earlier message, this problem literally just started after 2 weeks. Nothing has changed.. unless something happened internally that I am unaware of.
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    This is probably something you'll have to make a ticket to the developer for. Whatever plugin you're trying to use (I'm not familiar with /pl), go to that plugin page on BukkitDev, and make a ticket. They'll help you I'm sure :)
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    All /pl does is list the plugins on the server. Every server has this built in. So.. the creator is Bukkit, that's why I'm here :p
  8. Offline


    Ah okay. I was never aware that /pl was an alias for /plugins. I thought it had something to do with plots :p I feel stupid now. Lol
    In that case... I have absolutely no clue why that wouldn't work? If you have the permission *, it should give you everything. How about this, just to be sure, give the admins the following permission for a safeguard to see if this works:
    That is the proper permission node for it. Perhaps Bukkit commands aren't being included in your "*" permission node... not sure why it wouldn't. But hey, it's worth a shot, right?
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    I actually have tried that already along with: bukkit.* and bukkit.command.*

    Are there any logs I could post? I mean.. if a command is denied, it doesn't show up in the logs, but is there any other ways I could get any further help?

    EDIT by Timtower: merged posts
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 6, 2015
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