[Open Beta][WEB/ADMIN] SpaceBukkit - Web Administration the awesome way

Discussion in 'Bukkit Tools' started by Antariano, Sep 13, 2011.

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    Current status:
    Open Beta will start at around the end of January!​


    SpaceBukkit is a project developed over the last 6 months aiming to bring an advanced and powerful web administration framework to Bukkit.
    What makes it unique is, on one hand, it's graphical user interface, and on the other hand some nifty features enlisted just below (skip if this is boring :p).

    The project is currently in closed beta, with 4 developers working on it.

    But let's skip the kadizzle bajizzle and get to it!

    • General
      • Attractive Interface
      • Non lethal doses of awesomeness
      • Multiple Servers
      • Multi-user access with role setting
      • Theme Support for extra commiseration
      • Per server - per user role settings
      • Console access
    • Dashboard
      • Pretty and quick statistics about your server
      • Activity feed - who did what, and when
      • Chat - talk with your players
    • Players
      • Player management - kick, kill, feed, heal, ban, op and more!
      • Whitelist
      • Bans
    • Plugins
      • Plugin management
      • Config editor
      • Installing and Deinstalling
      • Updating and disabling
      • Bukget integration
    • Worlds
      • World management
      • Multiworld support
      • Backups
      • Chunkster
      • MapAutoTrim
    • Servers
      • Craftbukkit one-click installing and updating
      • Server Properties saving
      • Schedules



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    • PHP version 5.2.8 or higher
    • MySql
    • RemoteToolkit R10 by @drdanick
    • SpaceBukkit Server
    • SpaceBukkit Panel
    What is SpaceBukkitServer?

    This is the plugin that does all the magic! Basically it is both the communicative and executive tool that manages connection, data transfer and command execution between your bukkit server and SpaceBukkit.


    SpaceBukkit is free if you use it personally. This basically means: as long as you do not make money directly by using SpaceBukkit (by offering it for hosting, for example) you are good to go.

    A commercial version is being programmed. For now, hosters may use the free version to evaluate the software. Once our full commercial product is out, you must acquire it to continue using SpaceBukkit for your business.

    We are working on the commercial version of SpaceBukkit day after day. It won't have any more features then the free version for the end user, but will be aimed for the hosters.
    This means:
    Additional backend, user management, module management, full control, server management, individual settings, statistics and more!
    Archarin, Rytis, LinkterSHD and 54 others like this.
  2. Offline


    Looking foward for this:)
    HotelManager24 likes this.
  3. Offline

    Tristan Addie

    OMG Double Rainbows HAPPYNESSSSSS... This looks so good...
    ToastHelmi likes this.
  4. Offline


    @Antariano I contaced you to join the project!
  5. Offline


    Got it, welcome aboard
  6. Offline


    do want!
  7. Offline


    This I'd like to try out, seems really nice.
  8. Offline



    Will this be a hosted solution or will we be able to download it and host it ourselves?

    Please, if you make it a hosted solution, please provide a downloadable version so that I can install it on my own webserver. I feel much more comfortable that way and this project looks very nice. I think it has potential.

    I can't wait to see how it goes.
    EarlyLegend likes this.
  9. Finally! A Webmin client that looks good! (Nothing against the others, this one just looks nice and snappy!) Can't wait to see the finished product!

    EarlyLegend, cheese5505 and dragonhib like this.
  10. Offline


    It will be downloadable. Don't worry :D. I didn't honestly think about hosting it, what do you guys think, should we do this?

    Thank you, it means a lot to us :)
  11. I think people will be much more receptive if they can have the data themselves (ie download), but with that said maybe offering a paid service (where you configure/maintain the install) would be good for people who have people who donate but don't want to maintain themselves, but please don't get away from the free model (as plugin devs do :D)

  12. Offline


    As long as a downloadable version is easily obtainable, ok :D
  13. Offline


    I'd click that adf.ly link a gazillion times for a full download! What's the ETA on this?

    Also: a backup feature would be awesome!
    Antariano likes this.
  14. Offline


    We don't really have an ETA. We don't want to end up like Mojang by promising dates we cannot archive. But it's looking good :)
    Backup System... o shoot I didn't put it in the feature list lol
  15. Offline


    I contacted you to join as well! :p
  16. Offline


    This looks really amazing. I'd happily help test it out on my server (I'm a PHP dev) or assist in adding features if you want me to :)
  17. Offline


    Can this do external servers as well?
    Antariano likes this.
  18. Offline


  19. Offline


    Any update on when this will be available for download?

    I can't wait. This will make controlling/running all of the servers I administer so, so much easier.

    Being able to manage them all from one page (from a panel that seems to have done things right) is going to be awesome :D
  20. do u need testers?
  21. Offline


    what he said
  22. Offline


    I want an Link :D
  23. Offline


    He doesn't need testers yet guys, so stop asking him :p (I asked him)
  24. Offline


    Looks better then most. Might use it when its released.
  25. Offline


    We don't need them right now, but as soon as we reach beta state we will contact all of you.
    That's great news, thank you!
  26. Offline


    I was actually going to create a server manager that looked good without completely screwing round with the way it runs. Cough multicraft. Cough.
    Now it looks like you have got there first.
    Definitaly going to have to look and try to help out with this.

    Keep up the good work!
  27. Offline


    Really Really nice ^^

    ME WANT ;l
  28. Very much looking forward to this :) Looks great, I have been looking for a web management system that not only has decent features, but also nice looks.
  29. Offline


    I would like to apply for testing :)
  30. Offline


    We Want It! We Want It! xD
    Very good looking taste of this beautiful tool...
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