[Official Request] Alerter updated to 1.2.5? PLEASE SOMEONE!

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Royalgamer06, Mar 12, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Please someone update this plugin ...
  2. Offline


    When i try to set an area it doesn't let me...?
  3. Offline


    Someone :'C!!
  4. Offline


    bumb, we need this updated!!!
  5. Offline


    does this work for 1.2.5? Or at least what is the most stable release for this?
  6. Offline


    the alerts still work for me I can't speak for the rest of the plugin though. I wasn't a n00b a relied so heavily on one plugin that if it ever was inactive I would have to beg for it to be updated. There are better alternatives out there,
    people who aren't flexible and don't start to use more reliable plugins will just have to shut their servers down forever. (sarcasm)

  7. Offline


  8. Offline


    whats the best version of 1.2.3. Download link for that minecraft version?
  9. Offline


    Someone has to break your hope of this plugin being updated so you can move on to better things. This plugin will never be updated unless the original developer magically returns. There are quite a few things standing in the way of this being updated.
    • The plugin is bloated and contains thousands of lines of code, making updating it a pain
    • The plugin dev spoke a different language than most of the devs (I forget which lang he spoke), making reading and understanding his code much harder
    • The plugin tries to do too much and contains many event handles that all need to be manually checked, updated, and tested, and that needs to be done after translating and debugging thousands of lines of code.
    Like I said in an earlier post, this plugin is too bloated, there are plugins that do the exact same things that this plugin does.

    Worldedit, and WorldGuard is maintained by a Bukkitdev staff member if I recall, and is actively worked on and improved, it even comes with Cheat sheets to get you started.

    Deadbolt is your best alternative to the chest locking, and is also actively maintained.

    There are even command alerting plugins popping up on BukkitDev.

    Adapt or die my friend
  10. Offline


    Alright I'll update it, I've tried before but was stopped by the size and language it was in.. It could takes weeks, maybe even a month, i might even attempt to remake it lol.. I will try my hardest to update this plugin, please give me a list of errors and or problems
  11. Offline


    Good luck to you sir, but as I pointed out earlier, most of this plugin's functions are already available in other plugins.
    The only thing that has not been replicated so far is the alerts for blocks placement, breaking, and commands. However I have a plugin request going to have a plugin made for that very function, it's currently in Alpha.
    If you still feel like updating this plugin, knowing that most people have already moved on to others, I wish you good luck.
  12. Offline


    WTF, lol I just gave up!
  13. Offline


    No kidding haha, this plugin uses soo many outdated codes, Some of the string builds are just strange.. Alot of unused code is just sitting around to, I've managed to fix a little of this but still working on the rest..
  14. Offline


    You should try to just take out the alerts part of the plugin, and work on that since that is the only thing not being developed by other devs atm
  15. Offline


    I have updated the main text. Take a look at it!
  16. Offline


    Alerting plugin that is very similar to the one found in Alerter is being made right now. Currently in Beta testing and adding features.
  17. Offline


    In very alert if you fix the problem:

    * Undone to preserve Areas
    * Mark points have some problems
    * No expandmax minecraf update on the new

    Any bugs please correct! ;(
  18. Offline


    Alerter is dead! Please search for an alternative, I use lockette, residence and a logger now.
  19. Offline


    So proud :,)
    This is the best plugin Minecraft outdated and can not stay so long!

    I use world guard, but we can not sell land to him.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016

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