[Official Request] Alerter updated to 1.2.5? PLEASE SOMEONE!

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Royalgamer06, Mar 12, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Austinlallen said he is working on this plugin (updating as well), although I haven't heard from him for a long time... I'll be on it ;D.

    I hope it will be updated and fix all our problems.
  2. Offline


    Hope it comes soon :)
  3. Offline


    yeah i hope this gets updated to 1.2.5 very soon. i start my server and get the warning that alerter isn't up to date but it dont cause any problems but when i try to set areas with /al set i get the gold axe but when i try to select a block its like i have super pickaxe lol ...please update soon and thanks for picking up this great plugin
  4. Offline


    for some reason people can build in protected areas even if no perms.
  5. Offline

    Deleted user

    Do you even have permission from the original author to do this?
  6. Offline


    Nope, but the author has completely quit bukkit. I have tried to contact him in any way (website/youtube page/social media)! He won't reply... Maybe he is dead ????
  7. Offline


    So you mean that the alerter wont update?????????????
  8. Offline


    I was talking about the original author. I hope it will be updated too!
  9. Offline

    Deleted user

    You need permission either from a moderator or from the original author to take over a plugin.
    He hasn't even been gone for a really long time, only about a month or so.
    You don't give him credits at all in the original post, AND you even have the guts to say [Official Thread] in the title.
    I realize that you could be doing this because you're kind hearted, but even so, I've seen way too many trolls on the internet lately.
  10. Offline


    You have totally the wrong idea! This is a request page!
  11. Offline

    Deleted user

    What do you mean, request?
  12. Offline


    It was a request for it to be updated, now i think it needs to be moved >.>
  13. Offline


    Yes, it's wierd. Look at my old post. I started when I requested to update it. Wargamer2010 has updated it twice (1 bugfix). But soon there were other errors/bugs, but he can't do them anymore, because of this schoolwork. Then I was again looking for a developers who can continue this plugin. Some starter wanted to do this, but I never heard about him again. So, basically I am looking again for someone who can maintain this plugin.
  14. Offline


    Who have alerter working on 1.2.5 with no errors or bugs plz post here your bukkit server link
  15. Offline


    Someone please update this!!
  16. Offline


    you're right, at this moment I need it!
  17. Offline


    This plugin is so bloated, easy to understand why it takes so long to update. It would be better if the alerts, the chest locking, and the region protection could be separated into different .jar files.(as there are other plugins that already do chest locking and region protection but no other plugin that I know of does the alerting of certain blocks and commands)
  18. Offline


    ThePoopfish likes this.
  19. Offline


    I need this v ery bad now! I have tried other plugins, but they are not that good for me. There is already griefed a lot!
    P l e a s e s o m e o n e u p d a t e ! ! !

  20. Offline


    This does't work at all for me :( my bukkit is for 1.2.5
  21. Offline


    Yes, I know :C !!!
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  23. Offline


    Err... the source is in french? That's kind of a killer.
    Royalgamer06 likes this.
  24. Offline


    Wow, already thanks for looking at it!!!!
  25. Offline


    For chest protection use http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/lockette/
    or http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/deadbolt/

    for region protection use http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/worldedit/
    and http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/worldguard/

    as for the Alerts, they still work with 1.2.5, but they leave much to be desired...
  26. Offline


  27. Offline


    It is very weird for me but alerter works perfectly on my server, but when I start a test server or I put the plugin in the skyblock server it will not work :S even when I copy every plugin from my server
  28. Offline


    Just throwing it out there
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  30. Offline


    Chest can hack by ChestShop sign, fix it.

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