Official Bukkit Host List?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by AnnoyingPhoneCompany, May 11, 2013.

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  1. I've seen a lot of people asking what are the best hosts, why don't we just make an official list so people will stop asking? Now I'm not against people asking but it will be all centralized so everyone's opinion is on this instead of 50 different threads.
  2. Bukkit is not affiliated with any server hosts and does not support any specific hosts so it would just be sponosoring of some hosts so that won't happen.
  3. Offline


    We'd have to update it every 5 minutes to include everyone haha.
  4. It would be community driven, that means other hosts can add themselves. It wouldn't be sponsored.
  5. Offline


    How is that "official"?
  6. Because its all centralized and Bukkit will be like. "Hurs a list add stuff"
  7. Offline


    Well, you've asked about "best hosts", how would you propose that an openly editable list shows all of the best server hosts?
    Deleted user likes this.
  8. Well Bukkit has already created many pages. So we could have something like the dev page. People could add servers, and comment and such.
  9. Offline


    That would mean a lot more unnecessary work for staff. Plugin hosting is one thing; it uses our API. Server listings are quite another; it really has no benefit to us at all, we're not interested in sponsoring anyone, people would get mad because of X and Y at company C and blah blah, and our staff would need to moderate it constantly.

    I see few reasons why this would need to be an official Bukkit thing.
    AnnoyingPhoneCompany likes this.
  10. lol @
    ^ idea 4 domain
  11. Offline


    AnnoyingPhoneCompany Bukkit doesn't need to be liable for this list, so why not name it the "Unofficial" list?
    AnnoyingPhoneCompany likes this.
  12. Offline


    The Unofficial Bukkit List sounds like a good idea. Add to that status of servers, most popular by vote, most members, etc.
  13. Offline


    DarkRiddles Any average person could use Bootstrap and make a site much more appealing than the one you linked.
    Gravity likes this.
  14. Offline


    not really seeing how they have more things that you could think of, Then you probably go to there site to steal ideas GTFO My level son, jk but yeah its true
  15. Offline



    That's a fairly informative website, but the region selection doesn't work.
  16. Offline


    Then I shall create a site (By Create I mean Hire) XD
  17. Offline


    No, I shall. I've already made iStatus :p
  18. Offline


    Moved to a more appropriate forum for this discussion.
  19. Offline


    We Shall team up <3
  20. Offline


    WTF YOUR PROBLEM, Don't you understand Know one likes you-All you do is hate on other people, Now hear me out. Imma take a shot at this, But you hate on other people cuz you have no friends :( Dude grow the hell up and leave people alone!
    I'm shocked that you haven't been ban from bukkit yet!
    all you do is hate. Now do us a favor and shu shu!
  21. Offline


    Locked due to flaming.
    AnnoyingPhoneCompany and Lolmewn like this.
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