New player PvP plugin

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Lupus, Jul 16, 2012.

  1. Offline


    I would like a plugin where when a new player joins, he has 12 hours of PvP disabled. This gives the player time to gather materials. He can end the anti-pvp period early with /pvp enable. It would give an alert every hour with: You have x hours left of no pvp! You can leave this anytime with /pvp enable. When a player tries to attack that person, it would give the message: That person is still PvP protected! And when the protected player attacks, it would say You still have PvP protection! Disable it with /pvp enable.

  2. Offline


    seems simple enough...
  3. Offline


    Here it is, NOTE: probably contains some bugs *not tested* download

    Attached Files:

  4. Offline


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