Need Flying Plugin

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by tony687, May 19, 2011.

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    I seriously need a plugin that allows me to walk on air, like hovering. And also, I want it so other people in my server can fly around as well.
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    Hi Tony,

    Personally I use VoxelAir, which allows some degree of hovering, and a very smooth way of flying (with a feather).(Reed more about it here). This plugin is great as it lets users who don't know how to mod their own Minecraft jar file the ability to fly.

    However, I find that sometimes the method of flight in the previous plugin can be somewhat clumsy. Therefore it is possible to use a local flight plugin called Zombe's Flightmod. This will require a little bit more skill because you need to mod your own Minecraft file. The upside to this is that it provides absolutely seamless flight, which is very handy whilst building. (This will require each player who wants to use it to physically mod their own game, which might be a set-back for some players.) (Reed more about Zombe's mod here)

    Remember that with both the Bukkit plugin as well as the mod, you will need to enable flight in your Bukkit "server.propoerties" file in the server home directory.

    Hope this helps,
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    To be honest Ive already have zombes mod, but my friends are complaining that they want to.
    Thanks TechKnowCat
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