Need all of this plugin:P

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by IamNoob, Dec 7, 2014.

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    1. A plugin that when you do (/server-info) it will tell you all about the server.
    IP : ********
    Website: ******
    Plug.DJ: ******
    Skype: ******
    2.Block all of the command that list all the plugins.
    3. Command (/op) can be done in the console.
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    2. Can be achieved by revoking the correct permissions from the player. No plugin needed.
    3. Can already be done through the console.
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    teej107 I mean't that can be only run at the console. It cannot be run by player even they op.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    IamNoob 3. Worldguard.
    1. DynamicAliases ( in signature )
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    1, 2, 3. CommandOverride. Link is in my Signature.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Set what?
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    mrCookieSlime How do I set that (/op) can be run by console?
    and How do I make that can't list the plugins?

    timtower nevermind

    Ok I already got the 1 and 3, now I need that block listing plugins.

    EDIT by Timtower: merged posts, second time
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    IamNoob 2. Override the commands with your own commands, CommandOverride, DynamicAliases.
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    timtower That can't block /about [TAB] and /version [TAB]
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    IamNoob DynamicAliases will override the command, bukkit shouldn't be able to override that again.
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    Note here that I am talking about CommandOverride here:
    1. Simply define the messages you want in the config.
    2. Define custom messages for the commands you want to block.
    3. Same as 2, CommandOverride only overrides commands executed by players.
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    timtower likes this.
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    Not really.
    He can use either DynamicAliases or CommandOverride.
    The only reason why I am explaining how to accomplish this using CommandOverride is the fact that I am not familiar with his Plugin and don't know how it works.
    All I know is that both Plugins seem to be pretty similiar.
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    mrCookieSlime MisterErwin
    Another one,
    Is there plugin that if you say something and then it will auto replay with a message like a bot.

    PandaGirlDoesMC: Guys where do I apply?
    CookiePrison >> Apply at
    P.S MisterErwin your picture is creepy
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    IamNoob But keep in mind - every player uses another semantik(e.g. Where can I apply/Where can one apply/...)
    Broadcasts/Announcers/Boards work (sometimes) better.

    And my avatar is just some old christmas decoration - an egg, a nose, some googly eyes and a hat ;)
    (It was one of the first pictures I made with my "new" laptop some years ago ;))
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